Monday, April 25, 2011

Silent Flim Blog

Although some people enjoy and love watching silent films, I can not sit and watch any kind of old or silent flim movies. Most silent flims are old because now days the movies have sounds and colored flims. For the type of intrests I have, I would rather watch a movie with sound, our modern typeof music playing rather then just a quite not interesting movie. Look at the difference in picture of silent flims and now day films, and anylise the difference and which seems more appealing to spend your money on.
Silent Films-

Modern films-

Individuals can tell the difference of these two pictures. By looking at the colors, the " probs " they have, the expression on their faces can tell you want kind of movie it will be about and what kind of emotion or the feeling these movies/films will give you. If you were to walk into a movie theatre and see these two films being promoted to watch, which one would you personally be more intressted in? Which one would you want to spend your money watching and enjoying.

Back when silent films were really intressting and really entertaining, was back when they did not have much technology of course. If people from back then that watch what we watch now they would be over whemled and would be wondering how it has such a drimatic change in films and movies.